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21 day breath-work course: Breathe in aliveness!
What to expect in this course (3:40)
Resources (13:12)
Week 1: Open up your body for Aliveness
Breathe in aliveness
Practise 1: Embodied primal breath-work (9:33)
Practice 2: Grounded breath with emotional acceptance
Breathe in Aliveness Exploration book week 1
Week 2: From tension to pleasure
Practise 1: Connecting with your sensations and bone breathing
Practise 2: Pleasure breath! (9:16)
Breathe in Aliveness Exploration book week 2
Week 3: Move the energy through your body
Practise 1: Full body energy Breathwork
Practise 2: Release and Witness
Breathe in Aliveness exploration book week 3
Breathe in Aliveness Exploration book week 1
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